Legacies: What Are They Going To Say?
Legacies can feel daunting to achieve, but when it comes to leaving one, it’s best if you start at the end and work backward. At your funeral, how do you want people to remember you? I know, that’s pretty deep… but once you figure that one out, it boils down to making those words and […]
Are Screens Raising Your Kids?
Welcome to 2022, where we introduce phones, iPads, and screens of every shape and size into our kiddo’s lives from the moment they’re old enough to focus their eyes. Don’t worry, we’re just as guilty of this. It’s so easy to give your kids a screen in order to keep them entertained, but when does […]
Rubber Band Marriage
Everyone has the moment when you hit a wall in your marriage, and something breaks. What you do in response to those moments is pivotal to the health of your marriage. Let’s think about it as if your marriage is your body. In order to steer clear of sickness, you build up your immune system: […]
Marriage In The Front, Business In The Back
A marriage and business mullet, if you will. Starting and running a business can be challenging, but add in a spouse + kids, and there are different hurdles to jump over on the way to an entrepreneurial lifestyle. Questions begin forming: Can I even start a business? Can I keep my spouse as involved as […]
HELP! My Spouse Is A Flirt!
Welcome to Season 4 of The Millionaire Marriage Podcast! Have you ever thought to yourself “Wow, my spouse is such a flirt”? Or on the flip side, maybe your spouse has pointed out that YOU are a flirt. And we don’t mean the flirting between you two, we’re talking about flirting with other members of […]
From Empty Stroller To Full Arms
Jeremy’s sister, Brittani Scott, stopped by to talk with us about the strength that lies in trusting the Lord. She and her husband suffered their share of heartbreak during the adoption process, but God’s redemption in their story is so heart-warming. Brittani is a singer/songwriter, pastors-wife, and mother to a beautiful baby girl, Asha, who […]
The Truth About Financial PTSD
We had the honor of sitting down with Joe Ceasar, founder of Legacy Institute for Financial Education. After being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder while in the military, Joe realized that PTSD comes in many different forms, including financially. So—what is Financial PTSD? It’s a type of sustained stressor one experiences that will affect the […]
It’s Time To DIVORCE Your Work Spouse!
We recently came across a Women’s Health Magazine article that stated a “work husband” is the one relationship you NEED in your life… …uh—we beg to differ. If you’re single and ready to mingle, go for it. But when you’re married? That “work spouse” relationship might end up costing you your REAL marriage. It may […]
Climbing Up The Marriage Mountain
Marriage is a lot like climbing a mountain: sometimes it’s an uphill battle and it takes teamwork to get to the summit, but man is it worth it to reach that highest point, take in the view, and relish in your efforts. In this episode, the Robinsons discuss how they’ve navigated the trials in their […]
Navigating Seasons Of Life
When life gives you seasons… make lemonade? I think we got our metaphors a little mixed up. But the point is, learning how to navigate those seasons with your spouse can build your relationship up, or… quite the opposite. In this episode, we talk through what navigating those transitions can look like. There is no […]
Living In A Hustle Culture
RISE AND GRIND… right? Ehh, we’re not completely sold. While there are plenty of good things that come from the “hustle culture” that we live in, there are also a lot of downfalls that can be detrimental to our home life if we aren’t proactive in setting those boundaries. We’ve been made to feel like […]
Are You Living With A Narcissist?
What is a narcissist and how do you know if you’re living with one? With the recent spike in the “me me me” culture, narcissistic tendencies are running rampant. But being married to one is a totally different story. If you’ve noticed your spouse consistently lacking empathy, having an excessive need for attention or admiration, […]
HELP! I’ve Fallen Out Of Love!
What does it even mean to be IN love? There may be times where you don’t feel like you’re in love with your significant other. But ultimately, love is a choice. You are CHOOSING to commit to each other—deciding every single morning whether or not you are going to love your spouse. Feelings are fleeting, […]
When Will My Body Be Enough?
While society becomes more and more obsessed with outward appearance, it’s so hard not to compare yourself to what the stereotypical body should look like. Of course, it’s important to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself, but where is the boundary line? When does it become less about the health and wellbeing […]
7 Unhealthy Habits In Your Marriage
We’re all about creating healthy habits! But in order to start creating healthy ones, you have to acknowledge where some have become unhealthy. We came up with 7 of the worst habits that can infiltrate your relationship—sometimes without you even noticing. At the end of the day, you have to decide where you want your […]
For Better Or Worse
Whether you read traditional vows or wrote your own, you made commitments on your wedding day. But do they really matter? Did we actually mean “in sickness and in health” or “till death do us part,” or were we just going through the motions? All too often, we view marriage as a contractual agreement rather […]
Live Like Legend
It was an honor to be able to kick off this season with the Williamson family! In October of 2021, Raegan and Kelly’s lives changed forever, but what they didn’t realize was how many more lives would be changed through the passing of their son, Legend. There was not a dry eye in the room […]
Let’s Talk Fertility With The Radkes!
In this SEASON FINALE special episode, we joined David & Melissa Radke, the stars of reality TV show, The Radkes, on USA Network, and author of Melissa’s book, “Eat Cake. Be Brave.”, to discuss their journey through infertility and eventually, adoption. Listen as they tell their heartbreaking story behind not being able to carry full term, […]
Taylor asks every client at his investment firm one question; Why are you working? Usually, their response is to give their children a better life than what they had. It’s important to know why you’re working, why you’re saving for retirement, and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Goal setting is an important part of […]
Military Marriages: Holding The Fort Down
Retired Army Major & Military Chaplain, Doug Hogsten, joins us in this eye-opening episode where we dive into the reality of marriage in the military. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and in some cases that may be true, but there is something about this particular kind of distance that changes a […]
Tips To STOP Emotional Holiday Spending
In this episode, Jeremy shares a story about his own personal experience as an emotional spender around the holidays. Not sticking to budgets that you and your spouse set for each other, going overboard on the Christmas gifts, the whole nine yards. FUN FACT: You are NOT required to buy a gift for your cousin’s […]
Reasons Why YOU Ruin The Holidays
“The most wonderful time of the year” actually ends up bringing a lot of stress and anxiety for a lot of people. Poor relationships with family members, with your spouse, and of course the pressure of feeling like you have to buy all the gifts and host all the parties.
Needless to say—it’s a lot. The inability to establish healthy boundaries CAN and WILL set you up for a miserable holiday.
So, what can your spouse do to keep from ruining everything? OR, better yet.. how can YOU keep from ruining this special time of year for your family? Let’s dive in!
Taking Care Of Aging Parents
Ahh, parents. The people who gave us life. The ones who taught us how to walk and talk and everything in between.
What happens when they get older and start to depend on US? Should we financially support our aging parents? What if we can’t afford to? How do we even begin to have that conversation with them?
In this episode, we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty of all of your questions regarding aging parents.
Should I Leave My Marriage?
If there were ever a time we did not want to record an episode, it was this one. Nobody wants to discuss whether or not it’s time to leave your marriage, but we vowed from the beginning of this podcast to talk about the things that nobody wants to talk about. Have you been looking […]
What Were You Expecting?
Unmet expectations. AKA—The silent killer of relationships. When we go into a marriage, we automatically have these expectations of what things SHOULD look like. We expect our finances to be done our way, our sex life to be perfect, the house to be spotless, and a hot meal on the table waiting for us each […]
A Round In The Ring
Ding, ding, ding—round one!
So what does it really mean to “fight fair?”
Fighting with our spouse means having a conflict or argument, but fighting fair means that we are both working toward a win-win scenario. After all, if you win the fight but your spouse “loses,” are you actually winning anything at all?
You Shouldn’t Have A Work-Life Balance!
What happens when you balance things? It means you give them equal weight. Contrary to popular belief, your job/life/ministry does NOT deserve the same time and effort as your family does. Warning: this is a heavy one.
Boundaries Are HEALTHY!
Why do we build fences for our outside animals? So that they don’t run out to the street and get hurt. Why would you not want to set those same boundary lines that protect your marriage? In this episode, we’re discussing why it’s important to establish boundaries that are healthy for your family.
How To Love Your Wife
Recent studies show that over 1,000 women Google “Does my husband hate me?” per month. Come on guys, as men, we can do better!
The Porn One 😳
In this SEASON FINALE special, we’re talking about the untalked about… pornography. We don’t mean the Playboy magazine you had under your bed when you were 14. We’re talking about the cause of 68% of divorces, the 962 searches per SECOND, the unspoken addiction. Why is porn a bad thing? I’m not touching anyone. Why […]
Do We Have To Share MY Money?!
Why do married couples need to merge their finances? You are combining your life with this person, why would you not combine your finances? Ultimately, it always comes down to a trust issue. You trust that your spouse is not going to take care of things, so it’s easy to fall into the mindset of […]
Emotional Immaturity: The Problem & The Solution
Emotional immaturity is the inability to control how we respond to outside influences. Difficult conversations are especially good at highlighting areas where we may not be emotionally mature—certain topics really get our emotions going. So the question is, are you going to respond in a mature way, or not? It’s easy to keep everything surface […]
I Woke Up Next To A Stranger!
You may have had this moment in your marriage where you “woke up next to a stranger,” and don’t recognize the person you’re laying next to. Maybe it’s their physical appearance, their personality, or you honestly just don’t know who they are anymore—either way, they’ve changed, and if we had to guess, you probably have, […]
In-Laws Or Out-Laws? Marrying The Family
A common piece of marriage advice you hear is: “You’re not marrying the family.” WRONG. Whether you like it or not, you’re not just marrying your husband or wife—you get the whole sha-bang. Don’t get us wrong, this can absolutely be a great thing! But it can also be, well.. not so great. Are your […]
Are Selfies Cheating?
Social Media: Where every marriage is perfect, our kids are angels, and nothing bad ever happens… ever. 🙂 Not only do we add filters onto every picture, but what about the filter we put over our actual lives? Ouch. Instagram mom is a great concept, but it’s just not reality. Listen as Taylor poses the […]
Let’s Talk About Sex
Oh no, not the taboo topic of sex! What? Who are we kidding? Sex is a normal part of marriage! Well, at least it’s SUPPOSED to be. Our wives, Megan and Erica, join us in this scandalous episode where nothing is off the table. From sexless marriages to sexpectations, we’re covering it all! Or should […]
So We Had Kids… Now What? Pt 2
In part 2 of “So We Had Kids…”, Taylor and Jeremy are back with their wives, Megan and Erica, to discuss the fun and the not-so-fun parts of marriage after kids. Is your house ran by your kids? Are they still sleeping in your bed? What about toys, allowances, chores? Let’s dive in! Watch […]
So We Had Kids… Now What? Pt. 1
Ahh… children. It’s no secret that things change after you have kids, and your marriage is no exception. From co-sleeping to child-centered homes, we didn’t hold anything back. Join us as Taylor and Jeremy talk alongside their wives, Megan and Erica, and reframe what life after kids SHOULD look like. Don’t forget to watch […]
Why Do Marriages Fail?
During his therapy sessions, Jeremy asks every person one question: “Why do marriages fail?” No one enters a marriage hoping that their relationship doesn’t work out. If we know why marriages fail, we’re able to avoid the issues that may lead to divorce before they get to that point.
The Heart Behind It All
Meet Taylor Kovar and Jeremy Gilliam, the hearts and voices behind The Millionaire Marriage podcast.