HELP! I’ve Fallen Out Of Love!
What does it even mean to be IN love? There may be times where you don’t feel like you’re in love with your significant other. But ultimately, love is a choice. You are CHOOSING to commit to each other—deciding every single morning whether or not you are going to love your spouse. Feelings are fleeting, […]
When Will My Body Be Enough?
While society becomes more and more obsessed with outward appearance, it’s so hard not to compare yourself to what the stereotypical body should look like. Of course, it’s important to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself, but where is the boundary line? When does it become less about the health and wellbeing […]
7 Unhealthy Habits In Your Marriage
We’re all about creating healthy habits! But in order to start creating healthy ones, you have to acknowledge where some have become unhealthy. We came up with 7 of the worst habits that can infiltrate your relationship—sometimes without you even noticing. At the end of the day, you have to decide where you want your […]
How To Love Your Wife

Gentlemen, this episode is for you: how to love your wife and be intentional in your relationship with your spouse. (We’ve mentioned once or twice before the importance of intentionality, right?) And ladies… don’t use any of this against your spouses as ammunition—we’ll try to get them going in the right direction soon enough. […]
Live Like Legend
It was an honor to be able to kick off this season with the Williamson family! In October of 2021, Raegan and Kelly’s lives changed forever, but what they didn’t realize was how many more lives would be changed through the passing of their son, Legend. There was not a dry eye in the room […]
I Woke Up Next To A Stranger!

Another week, another Millionaire Marriage blog! You’re here with Taylor Kovar and Jeremy Gilliam. For clarity’s sake, we aren’t talking about waking up next to a literal stranger today… what we mean is one day realizing that you have absolutely no idea who your spouse is anymore. It’s not the same person you once said […]
Taking Care Of Aging Parents
Ahh, parents. The people who gave us life. The ones who taught us how to walk and talk and everything in between.
What happens when they get older and start to depend on US? Should we financially support our aging parents? What if we can’t afford to? How do we even begin to have that conversation with them?
In this episode, we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty of all of your questions regarding aging parents.
Should I Leave My Marriage?
If there were ever a time we did not want to record an episode, it was this one. Nobody wants to discuss whether or not it’s time to leave your marriage, but we vowed from the beginning of this podcast to talk about the things that nobody wants to talk about. Have you been looking […]
What Were You Expecting?
Unmet expectations. AKA—The silent killer of relationships. When we go into a marriage, we automatically have these expectations of what things SHOULD look like. We expect our finances to be done our way, our sex life to be perfect, the house to be spotless, and a hot meal on the table waiting for us each […]
A Round In The Ring
Ding, ding, ding—round one!
So what does it really mean to “fight fair?”
Fighting with our spouse means having a conflict or argument, but fighting fair means that we are both working toward a win-win scenario. After all, if you win the fight but your spouse “loses,” are you actually winning anything at all?
So We Had Kids… Now What? Pt. 2

Hello, hello! Thanks again for joining us on another Millionaire Marriage blog. It’s Taylor Kovar today, and this is going to be a sort of follow-up blog, a Part 2 if you will, to our podcast/blog before this on marriage after kids! So, again, we have the special treat of welcoming our beautiful wives to […]
Boundaries Are HEALTHY!
Why do we build fences for our outside animals? So that they don’t run out to the street and get hurt. Why would you not want to set those same boundary lines that protect your marriage? In this episode, we’re discussing why it’s important to establish boundaries that are healthy for your family.
The Porn One 😳
In this SEASON FINALE special, we’re talking about the untalked about… pornography. We don’t mean the Playboy magazine you had under your bed when you were 14. We’re talking about the cause of 68% of divorces, the 962 searches per SECOND, the unspoken addiction. Why is porn a bad thing? I’m not touching anyone. Why […]